Account :

Server : Global

Price : 32€

Price : 37$


You'll be provide a Stripe custom payment link, where you can pay using :
- Credit Card
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
No extra fees, price displayed on the page is what you're paying
You'll have to provide me a fresh klab account (email and password),

You can create one easily on official klab website :

I'll link it immediately, then you just have to use those IDs to log in and access your account.
Contact me with a message like this :

Hi, i would like to buy this BBS Orbs account :

Copy this text


Send a private message to :

Fresh Gacha - BBS

All accounts are fresh, only tutorial has been done, this mean all story, sub story and everything else is available, for you to farm.
Every Orbs present on accounts come from daily login, event rewards and orders, no mod or hack used, so no risk of ban (more than 6000 accounts sold, in 6 years and none got banned)